注意:?此頁面提供了在 Amazon.ca 上開店的費用價目表:?Amazon.ca 費用價目表。
注意: 此頁面提供了在 Amazon.ca 上開店的費用價目表: Amazon.ca 費用價目表。
: 每月 39.99 美元
個人: 無服務費
個人賣家:每件所售商品 0.99 美元
已注冊的 Amazon Business 賣家應參閱“在 Amazon Business 開店”費用價目表,以了解適用的銷售傭金。
要在“需要批準的分類”下所列的分類中銷售商品,您可能需要提前獲得批準。 了解更多信息
分類 | 亞馬遜將扣除基于適用百分比計算得出的銷售傭金或適用的每件商品最低銷售傭金(取二者中的較高者)。 請參閱上述“銷售傭金”備注。 | |
銷售傭金百分比 | 適用的最低銷售傭金 (除非另有規(guī)定,否則按件收費) | |
亞馬遜設備配件 | 45% | $0.30 |
母嬰(嬰兒服裝除外) |
| $0.30 |
圖書 | 15% | -- |
攝影攝像1 | 8% | $0.30 |
手機設備* | 8% | $0.30 |
電視/音響 | 8% | $0.30 |
電子產(chǎn)品配件 |
| $0.30 |
家具(包括戶外家具) |
注意: 對于床墊商品,一律收取 15% 的銷售傭金,不受銷售額影響。 | $0.30 |
家居與園藝(包括寵物用品) | 15% | $0.30 |
廚具 | 15% | $0.30 |
大家電 |
| $0.30 |
音樂 | 15% | -- |
樂器 | 15% | $0.30 |
辦公用品 | 15% | $0.30 |
戶外 | 15% | $0.30 |
電腦 | 6% | $0.30 |
軟件和電腦/視頻游戲 | 15% | -- |
體育用品(體育收藏品除外) | 15% | $0.30 |
工具和家居裝修 | 15%,但基礎設備電動工具為 12% | $0.30 |
玩具和游戲2 | 15% | $0.30 |
解鎖手機 | 8% | $0.30 |
視頻和 DVD | 15% | -- |
視頻游戲機 | 8% | $0.30 |
其他3 | 15% | $0.30 |
需要批準的分類 | 銷售傭金百分比 | $0.30 |
3D 打印商品 | 12% | $0.30 |
汽車用品 | 12%,但輪胎和輪轂商品為 10% | $0.30 |
美妝 |
| $0.30 |
服裝與配飾(包括運動裝) | 17% | $0.30 |
收藏類圖書 | 15% | -- |
硬幣收藏品 | 有關銷售傭金,請參閱分類要求。 | $0.30 |
娛樂收藏品 | 有關銷售傭金,請參閱分類要求。 | -- |
藝術(shù)品 | 有關銷售傭金,請參閱分類要求。 | -- |
禮品卡 | 20% | -- |
食品 |
| -- |
個護健康(含個護用品) |
| $0.30 |
工業(yè)和科學用品(含餐飲服務和清潔與衛(wèi)生) | 12% | $0.30 |
珠寶首飾 |
| $0.30 |
箱包和旅行用品 | 15% | $0.30 |
鞋靴、手提包和太陽鏡 | 15% | $0.30 |
體育收藏品 | 有關銷售傭金,請參閱分類要求。 | -- |
鐘表 |
| $0.30 |
延長保修、保護計劃及服務合約 | 96% | -- |
1配件商品屬于電子產(chǎn)品配件分類。自 2018 年 2 月 9 日起,“攝影”分類下的捆綁商品將歸入“電子產(chǎn)品配件”分類。
2$0.30 的每件商品最低銷售傭金并不適用于“玩具和游戲”分類中的收藏卡商品。
對于售出的每本租賃教科書,賣家需支付 $5.00 的租賃圖書服務費。
對于售出的每件媒介類商品,賣家還需支付 $1.80 的交易手續(xù)費。媒介類商品是指圖書、DVD、音樂、軟件和電腦/視頻游戲、視頻和視頻游戲機以及視頻游戲配件。
我們會針對每個符合條件的 ASIN 收取 $0.005 的月度大批量上架費用,以支付與在 Amazon.com 上編錄和維護大量 ASIN 相關的系統(tǒng)成本。在指定月份,符合以下條件的 ASIN 均須支付大批量上架費用:
ASIN 發(fā)布在非媒介類商品分類中。媒介類商品分類包括: 圖書、DVD、音樂、軟件、電腦/視頻游戲、視頻游戲機和視頻游戲配件等。
ASIN 在當月曾有在售商品。
ASIN 的創(chuàng)建時間不短于 12 個月。創(chuàng)建時間短于 12 個月的 ASIN 無需支付這項費用。
ASIN 在過去 12 個月內(nèi)未售出。
對于符合上述條件的前 100,000 個 ASIN,我們不收取大批量上架費用,這是為了幫助您增加在亞馬遜上提供的商品種類。我們將針對當月符合條件的 ASIN 超過 100,000 的最大數(shù)量收取這項費用。要查看符合條件的 ASIN 數(shù)量,請前往賣家平臺的“庫存”選項卡,選擇“庫存報告”,然后從頁面上的下拉菜單中選擇“大批量商品報告”。
例如,假設在某個月,您有 300,000 個符合條件的 ASIN 擁有在售商品,則我們將向您收取 $1,000 的費用,計算方式為:針對超出免費限額(即 100,000 個符合條件的 ASIN)的 200,000 個 ASIN 每個收取 $0.005。
如果您就已收到付款的訂單向買家退款,會將您為該商品支付的銷售傭金減去適用退款管理費用($5.00 或適用銷售傭金的 20%,取二者中的較低值)后的款項退還給您。
例如,如果您向買家退款的商品總銷售價格為 $10.00,而該商品所在分類的銷售傭金為 15%,則您的退款管理費用為 $0.30($10.00 x 15% 銷售傭金 = $1.50)。
+ 買家支付的運費
- 銷售傭金
- $1.80 的交易手續(xù)費
- 每件商品的費用 $0.99
= 存入賣家賬戶的總金額
+ 買家支付的運費
- 銷售傭金
- $1.80 的交易手續(xù)費
= 存入賣家賬戶的總金額
銷售價格 | 示例 1: 價格為 $8.00 的鐘表的銷售傭金 | 示例 2: 價格為 $1,500.00 的鐘表的銷售傭金 | 示例 3: 價格為 $7,000.00 的鐘表的銷售傭金 |
對于總銷售價格中不超過 $1,500.00 的部分 | $1.28 | $240.00 | $240.00 |
對于總銷售價格中不低于 $1,500.01 的部分 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $165.00 |
銷售傭金 | $1.28 | $240.00 | $405.00 |
+ 買家支付的運費
- 銷售傭金
- 每件商品的費用 $0.99
= 存入賣家賬戶的總金額
+ 買家支付的運費
+ 買家支付的禮品包裝費
- 銷售傭金
= 存入賣家賬戶的總金額
Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule
Note: The Fee Schedule for selling on Amazon.ca is available on this page: Amazon.ca Fee Schedule.
Amazon collects the lower of the applicable fees stated below and any fees communicated to you by Amazon (such as promotional fees that Amazon may provide from time to time). This does not apply to certain sellers, such as warranty providers and other service providers, who will continue to pay selling fees in accordance with the rates provided in their program agreements.
You can also view more details about your fees with the Detailed Fee Explainer.
Monthly subscription fee
Professional Selling Plan: USD $39.99 per month
Individual Selling Plan: No subscription fee
Selling Fees
When your product sells, Amazon collects the amount paid by the buyer (including the price and any shipping, gift wrap, or other charges). Professional account sellers can set their own shipping rates for books, music, video, and DVD (BMVD) products, including offering free shipping, (see Actie custom BMVD shipping rates). For Individual account sellers, Amazon shipping rates will apply for BMVD products
See Shipping Rates for BMVD for a table of Amazon shipping credits for media products. For a table of Amazon shipping rates for all products sold by Individual sellers, see Shipping Credits for Individual Sellers.
Per-item fees
Professional sellers: No per-item fee
Individual sellers: USD $0.99 fee for each item sold
Referral Fees
Sellers pay a Referral Fee on each item sold.
Items in some categories have a per-item minimum referral fee as listed below (for example, sellers pay the greater of the referral fee or the per-item minimum referral fee).
For all products, ducts the applicable referral fee percentage calculated on the total sales price, excluding any taxes calculated through Amazon tax calculation services. The total sales price is the total amount paid by the buyer, including the item price and any delivery or gift wrapping charges.
Referral Fees vary by category, as listed below.
For sellers who use Fulfillment by Amazon, please see the Features and Fees.
Registered Amazon Business sellers should refer to the Selling on Amazon Business Fee Schedule for applicable referral fees.
Prior approval may be required to offer products in the categories listed under "Categories Requiring Approval." Learn more
Categories Amazon deducts the greater of the applicable referral fee percentage or applicable per-item minimum referral fee. See "Referral fees" notes above.
Referral fee percentages Applicable minimum referral fee (applied on a per-item basis unless otherwise noted)
vice Accessories 45% $0.30 Amazon Explore 30% for Experiences $5.00 Baby Products (excluding Baby Apparel)
8% for products with a total sales price of $10.00 or less, and
15% for products with a total sales price greater than $10.00
$0.30 Books 15% -- Camera and Photo1 8% $0.30 Cell Phone Devices* 8% $0.30 Consumer Electronics 8% $0.30 Electronics Accessories
15% for the portion of the total sales price up to $100.00, and
8% for any portion of the total sales price greater than $100.00
$0.30 Furniture (including outdoor furniture)
15% for the portion of the total sales price up to $200.00, and
10% for any portion of the total sales price greater than $200.00
Note: Mattresses will be charged 15% regardless of price point.
$0.30 Home & Garden (including Pet Supplies) 15% $0.30 Kitchen 15% $0.30 Major Appliances
15% for the portion of the total sales price up to $300.00, and
8% for any portion of the total sales price greater than $300.00
$0.30 Music 15% -- Musical Instruments 15% $0.30 Office Products 15% $0.30 Outdoors 15% $0.30 Personal Computers 6% $0.30 Software & Computer/Video Games 15% -- Sports (excluding Sports Collectibles) 15% $0.30 Tools & Home Improvement 15%, except 12% for base equipment power tools $0.30 Toys & Games2 15% $0.30 Unlocked Cell Phones 8% $0.30 Video & DVD 15% -- Video Game Consoles 8% $0.30 Everything Else3 15% $0.30 Categories Requiring Approval Referral fee percentages $0.30 3D Printed Products 12% $0.30 Automotive & Powersports 12%, except 10% for tires and wheel products $0.30 Beauty
8% for products with a total sales price of $10.00 or less, and
15% for items with a total sales price greater than $10.00
$0.30 Clothing & Accessories (including activewear) 17% $0.30 Collectible Books 15% -- Collectible Coins See Category Requirements for referral fees. $0.30 Entertainment Collectibles See Category Requirements for referral fees. -- Fine Art See Category Requirements for referral fees. -- Gift Cards 20% -- Grocery & Gourmet Food
8% for products with a total sales price of $15.00 or less, and
15% for products with a total sales price greater than $15.00
-- Health & Personal Care (including Personal Care Appliances)
8% for products with a total sales price of $10.00 or less, and
15% for items with a total sales price greater than $10.00
$0.30 Industrial & Scientific (including Food Service and Janitorial & Sanitation) 12% $0.30 Jewelry
20% for the portion of the total sales price up to $250.00, and
5% for any portion of the total sales price greater than $250.00
$0.30 Luggage & Travel Accessories 15% $0.30 Shoes, Handbags & Sunglasses 15% $0.30 Sports Collectibles See Category Requirements for referral fees. -- Watches
16% for the portion of the total sales price up to $1,500.00
3% for any portion of the total sales price greater than $1,500.00
$0.30 Extended Warranties, Protection Plans, and Service Contracts 96% -- *Certain cell phone devices may require approval. Please see here to learn more.
1Accessory products fall in the Electronics Accessories category. Bundles within the Camera category will be included in the Electronics Accessories category effective February 9, 2018.
2The $0.30 per item minimum referral fee does not apply to Collectible Cards products in the Toys & Games category.
3The Everything Else category is available to sellers for products that do not clearly fit within existing categories. Do not list items in the Everything Else category that appropriately fall within another category.
Rental Book Service Fee
For each textbook rental that is sold, sellers pay a rental book service fee of USD $5.00.
Closing fees
Sellers also pay a closing fee of $1.80 per media item that is sold. Media categories are Books, DVD, Music, Software & Computer/Video Games, Video, Video Game Consoles, and Video Game Accessories.
High-Volume Listing Fee
We charge a monthly High-Volume Listing Fee of $0.005 per eligible ASIN to cover our system costs associated with cataloging and maintaining large numbers of ASINs on Amazon.com. To be eligible for the High-Volume Listing Fee in a given month, an ASIN must meet the following criteria:
The ASIN is listed in a non-Media category. Media categories include: Books, DVDs, Music, Software, Computer/Video games, Video Game Consoles, and Video Game Accessories, among others.
You have had an active offer on the ASIN at some point during the month.
The ASIN was created at least 12 months ago. ASINs created less than 12 months prior are not eligible for the fee.
The ASIN has not sold in the previous 12 months.
To help you grow the selection of products you offer on Amazon, we waive the High-Volume Listing for the first 100,000 ASINs that meet the above criteria. We apply the fee to your highest number of eligible ASINs above 100,000 during that month. You can view the number of eligible ASINs by going to the Inventory tab in Seller Central, selecting Inventory Reports, and then selecting High Volume Listings Report from the drop-down menu on the page.
For example,if during a month, you had active offers on 300,000 eligible ASINs, then we would charge you a fee of $1,000, calculated as $0.005 on the 200,000 ASINs that are above your free allowance of 100,000 eligible ASINs.
The fee will be calculated and charged monthly and shown in the next month's statement.
To know more about this fee, please visit the High-Volume Listing Fee FAQ page.
Refund administration fee
If you refund a customer for an order for which you have already received payment, Amazon will refund you the amount of the referral fee you paid for the item(s), minus the applicable Refund Administration Fee, which is the lesser of $5.00 or 20% of the applicable referral fee.
For example, if you refund a customer the $10.00 total sales price of an item in a category with a 15% referral fee, your Refund Administration Fee will be $0.30 ($10.00 x 15% referral fee = $1.50).
Examples of referral fee calculations
Media products
Individual Selling Plan example:
Item price
+ Shipping charges paid by the buyer
- Referral fee
- Closing fee of $1.80
- $0.99 per item fee
= Total deposited to seller account
Professional Selling Plan example:
Item price
+ Shipping charges paid by the buyer
- Referral fee
- Closing fee of $1.80
= Total deposited to seller account
Examples for Watch products
Examples of referral fee calculations for Watches products:
Sales Price Example 1: Referral fee for a $8.00 watch Example 2: Referral fee for a $1,500.00 watch Example 3: Referral fee for a $7,000.00 watch For the portion of the total sales price up to $1,500.00 $1.28 $240.00 $240.00 For any portion of the total sales price from $1,500.01 and above $0.00 $0.00 $165.00 Referral fee $1.28 $240.00 $405.00 Examples for other products
Individual Selling Plan example:
Item price
+ Shipping charges paid by the buyer
- Referral fee
- $0.99 per item fee
= Total deposited to seller account
Professional Selling Plan example:
Item price
+ Shipping charges paid by the buyer
+ Gift wrap charges paid by the buyer
- Referral fee
= Total deposited to seller account