該報告列出了已支付長期倉儲費的各個 SKU 的商品詳情、商品數(shù)量、單位商品體積和費用總金額。請參閱長期倉儲費報告。
對于在亞馬遜運營中心至少存放 365 天的商品,我們會根據(jù)商品總體積(以立方英尺為單位)評估長期倉儲費。每個 SKU 的費用金額計算方式: (12-mo-long-term-storage-fee) = (12-mo-qty-charged-long-term-storage-fee) x (per-unit-volume) x $6.90(自 2015 年 8 月 15 日完成費用評估起收費)。
要計算所有庫存的長期儲存費總額,請下載該報告并計算 【12-mo-long-term-storage-fee】 列中費用的總和。
在線標(biāo)題 | 下載標(biāo)題 | 描述 | 示例值 |
日期 | snapshot-date | 評估長期倉儲費用的日期。 | 2019-08-15 |
賣家 SKU | sku | 庫存單位 (SKU) 由字母或數(shù)字組成,是用于標(biāo)識商品的唯一編碼。SKU 由賣家分配。 | AB-8675309 |
FNSKU | fnsku | 亞馬遜分配給商品的唯一標(biāo)識,這些商品儲存在中心并從亞馬遜運營中心配送。 | X00000E5TX |
ASIN | asin | 亞馬遜商品編碼 (ASIN) 由 10 個字母或數(shù)字組成,是用于標(biāo)識商品的唯一編碼。ASIN 由亞馬遜分配。您可以在商品詳情頁面上找到商品的 ASIN。 | B003ZYF3LO |
商品名稱 | product-name | 商品的名稱。 | Toysmith 不粘烤盤套件 |
狀況 | condition | 商品的狀況。 | 新品或二手商品 |
收取 12 個月以上費用的商品數(shù)量 | qty-charged-12-mo-long-term-storage-fee | 在亞馬遜運營中心存放 12 個月或更長時間并進行長期倉儲費評估的可售商品數(shù)量。 | 2 |
單位商品體積(以立方英尺為單位) | per-unit-volume | 進行長期倉儲費評估的每個庫存商品的體積(以立方英尺為單位)。 | 1.5 |
12 個月以上的收費金額 | 12-mo-long-term-storage-fee | 針對在亞馬遜運營中心存放 12 個月或更長時間的商品收取的長期倉儲費。 | 67.50 |
體積單位 | volume-unit | 體積值的單位名稱 | 立方米 |
國家/地區(qū) | country | 存放商品的國家/地區(qū) | 美國 |
已注冊加入輕小商品計劃 | enrolled-in-small-and-light | 商品是否注冊加入計劃 | 否 |
Long-Term Storage Fee report
This report provides itemized details of your most recent long-term storage fee charges to allow you to identify which of your products in Amazon fulfillment centers were charged the long-term storage fee and review the amounts charged.
This report includes product details, quantity, per-unit volume and the total amount for each SKU to which the long-term storage fee was applied. See the Long-Term Storage Charges report.
The Long-Term Storage Fee is assessed based on the total volume in cubic feet of units that have been stored in Amazon fulfillment centers for at least 365 days. Per SKU amounts are calculated as: (12-mo-long-term-storage-fee) = (12-mo-qty-charged-long-term-storage-fee) x (per-unit-volume) x $6.90 (charge applicable beginning with August 15, 2015, fee assessment).
To calculate total long-term storage fee charged across all inventory, download the report and add up the charges in the 12-mo-long-term-storage-fee column.
Field names
Online Header Download Header Description Example Value Date snapshot-date Date the Long-Term Storage Fee was assessed. 2019-08-15 Merchant SKU sku Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) are unique blocks of letters or numbers that identify your products. SKUs are assigned by you as the seller. AB-8675309 FNSKU fnsku Unique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center. X00000E5TX ASIN asin Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify products. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page. B003ZYF3LO Title product-name The title of your product. Toysmith Non-stick Bakeware Set Condition condition The condition of your product. New or Used 12+ Month Charged Quantity qty-charged-12-mo-long-term-storage-fee The number of sellable Units in fulfillment centers for 12 months or more for which the Long-Term Storage Fee was assessed. 2 Per-Unit Volume (in cubic feet) per-unit-volume The volume in cubic feet of each inventory unit assessed the Long-Term Storage Fee . 1.5 12+ Month Charged Amount 12-mo-long-term-storage-fee The Long-Term Storage Fee that was charged for units that have been in fulfillment centers for 12 months or more. 67.50 Volume unit volume-unit Unit name of the volume value CUBIC METERS Country country Country in which your products are stored US Enrolled in Small and Light enrolled-in-small-and-light Whether or not the item is enrolled in Small and Light N
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