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為了商戶能夠更好地向全球的意向用戶展示產(chǎn)品,講述產(chǎn)品故事,Wish 推出了演示視頻功能。您可以使用該功能上傳短視頻,重點(diǎn)展示所售產(chǎn)品的功能、使用場景和功效。本文為您介紹如何上傳演示視頻、有哪些最佳實(shí)踐可以制作出對用戶最有吸引力的演示視頻以及我們?nèi)绾螌⒛囊曨l展示給用戶。自太平洋時間2021年3月29日開始,您的演示視頻將在 Wish 安卓應(yīng)用和 iOS 應(yīng)用上通過產(chǎn)品的“Details”(詳情)頁向全球用戶展示。

如何在 Wish 上為產(chǎn)品上傳演示視頻

您可以在商戶平臺上手動添加演示視頻,或通過 API、CSV 或某些 ERP 上傳。

1. 要在商戶平臺上手動上傳演示視頻,請首先前往產(chǎn)品 > 演示視頻頁面:




在此彈窗中,您可以上傳視頻文件或添加視頻 URL。如果原始視頻的縱向?qū)捀弑炔皇?:16,您也可以直接在此彈窗中將視頻剪裁為這個尺寸:

此外,如果您添加視頻 URL,則可以直接在此彈窗中預(yù)覽視頻:


  • 產(chǎn)品演示視頻不可超過30秒。廣告式的長視頻通常不能很好地突出產(chǎn)品的功能、使用場景和功效。因此,如果上傳的視頻超過30秒,此彈窗會提示錯誤消息,且您無法再繼續(xù)操作。

  • 確保上傳的視頻小于50 MB。如果上傳的視頻大于等于50 MB,系統(tǒng)將提示錯誤消息。

  • 確保視頻的分辨率高于或等于 480p頻,以清晰地展示產(chǎn)品。低于 480p 的低分辨率視頻將被自動拒絕。理想的分辨率為 1080p 或以上。

  • 不要在演示視頻中添加嵌入式文本、圖案疊加或動畫效果。有關(guān)演示視頻的一些最佳實(shí)踐,請參閱下文。





2. 如需通過 API 上傳演示視頻,請參閱以下信息:

在創(chuàng)建新的產(chǎn)品詳情頁時,您可以通過在 /api/v2/product/add 端口指定 demo_video_asset_url 字段來添加演示視頻。在此字段中,請?zhí)峁┛梢韵螺d產(chǎn)品演示視頻的 URL。請注意,系統(tǒng)不支持托管到 Youtube、Amazon.com、Ebay、Etsy 等的視頻鏈接。

要為現(xiàn)有產(chǎn)品添加演示視頻,請?jiān)?nbsp;/api/v2/product/update 端口指定 demo_video_asset_url 字段。在此字段中,請?zhí)峁┛梢韵螺d產(chǎn)品演示視頻的 URL。請注意,系統(tǒng)不支持托管到 Youtube、Amazon.com、Ebay、Etsy 等的視頻鏈接。

如需了解更多信息,請參閱這篇 API 文檔。

3. 您還可以通過 CSV 一次為多個產(chǎn)品上傳演示視頻。

請先為產(chǎn)品 Feed 文件創(chuàng)建 CSV 文件,并添加名為“Demo Video Asset URL”(演示視頻資源 URL)列,以填寫可下載產(chǎn)品演示視頻的相應(yīng) URL。請注意,鏈接到 Youtube、Amazon.com、eBay、Etsy 等托管服務(wù)的視頻鏈接并非有效的 URL。

您可以在產(chǎn)品 > 添加新產(chǎn)品 > 產(chǎn)品 CSV 文件頁面或產(chǎn)品 > 編輯現(xiàn)有產(chǎn)品 > 產(chǎn)品 CSV 文件頁面中查看示例 CSV 文件(示例文件已添加并填寫“Demo Video Asset URL”列):

在完成 CSV 文件(添加演示視頻 URL)之后,您可以按照常規(guī)的 CSV 上傳流程(產(chǎn)品 > 添加新產(chǎn)品 > 產(chǎn)品 CSV 文件或產(chǎn)品 > 編輯現(xiàn)有產(chǎn)品 > 產(chǎn)品 CSV 文件)上傳。如需了解更多有關(guān)如何上傳 CSV 文件以添加或更新產(chǎn)品的信息,請參閱這篇文章和這篇文章。

4. 如需通過 上傳演示視頻,請參閱以下信息:

目前,中國大陸商戶使用的大部分 ERP(、通途等)均已完成與 Wish 的集成,支持商戶直接在 ERP 中上傳演示視頻。

如需了解在各 ERP 平臺上傳演示視頻的操作流程,請直接與您的 ERP 聯(lián)系。



在您上傳演示視頻后,商戶平臺的演示視頻頁面將顯示您上傳的各視頻的狀態(tài),以及視頻被 Wish 拒絕的原因。


  • 待審核:此視頻正在被 Wish 審核

  • 處理中:Wish 正在準(zhǔn)備在 Wish 安卓應(yīng)用和 iOS 應(yīng)用上展示此視頻(自太平洋時間2021年3月29日開始)

  • 活躍:此視頻正在 Wish 安卓應(yīng)用和 iOS 應(yīng)用上展示(自太平洋時間2021年3月29日開始)

  • 已拒絕:此視頻已被拒絕



  • 視頻質(zhì)量較差

  • 視頻與產(chǎn)品無關(guān)

  • 視頻旋轉(zhuǎn)或方向不正確(例如顛倒)

  • 視頻誘導(dǎo)用戶離開 Wish 平臺

  • 視頻里有人在說話的畫面且通過聲音/音頻傳遞信息

  • 視頻顯示工廠的畫面,而非產(chǎn)品本身的用法

  • 視頻過短(少于5秒)

  • 視頻過長(超過30秒)

  • 包含仇視性符號

  • 包含淫穢內(nèi)容和/或畫面

  • 包含裸露畫面

  • 包含非英語文字

  • 視頻模糊(分辨率低或光線不足)

  • 視頻侵犯他人知識產(chǎn)權(quán)




現(xiàn)在您已經(jīng)知道如何在 Wish 上為產(chǎn)品添加演示視頻,下面我們來學(xué)習(xí)演示視頻的一些最佳實(shí)踐,這些技巧可讓用戶對您的產(chǎn)品更感興趣,讓您的產(chǎn)品真正生動起來。

1. 適合添加演示視頻的品類


  • 服裝

  • 鞋類

  • 配飾:錢包、包、珠寶、手表等

  • 美妝和美容產(chǎn)品

  • 家居用品:裝飾品、日用品、烘焙設(shè)備等

  • 創(chuàng)意小產(chǎn)品

  • 手機(jī)配件和升級產(chǎn)品

  • 兒童玩具

  • 健身器材

  • 寵物玩具及配飾


2. 讓演示視頻脫穎而出的常見主題


  • 講述產(chǎn)品故事

    • 演示視頻本質(zhì)上是在產(chǎn)品圖片、標(biāo)題、描述等內(nèi)容的基礎(chǔ)上,進(jìn)一步幫助商戶宣傳品牌和展示產(chǎn)品的一種方式。

    • 因此,演示視頻一方面可以進(jìn)一步展示產(chǎn)品的使用情況(突出產(chǎn)品的細(xì)節(jié)、功能和使用場景),幫助用戶設(shè)想他們自己使用產(chǎn)品時的效果。

    • 另一方面,演示視頻還可以幫助您突出品牌價值、質(zhì)量、對用戶的承諾以及產(chǎn)品值得用戶喜愛的創(chuàng)意細(xì)節(jié)。

  • 簡短有趣

    • 上傳的視頻不要超過30秒 - 簡短有趣的內(nèi)容更能立即引起用戶的關(guān)注。

  • 人性化

    • 視頻內(nèi)容應(yīng)可以引發(fā)用戶的共鳴,讓用戶對產(chǎn)品產(chǎn)生信賴

    • 在視頻中融合能夠引起感情共鳴的元素 - 喜悅、成就感、魅力、幽默、新奇,讓用戶感到愉悅和受到啟發(fā)

  • 解決常見問題

    • 通過演示視頻,充分展現(xiàn)您在產(chǎn)品說明、標(biāo)題甚至圖片中描繪的產(chǎn)品,以克服書面描述的語言障礙,使產(chǎn)品真正全球化。

    • 以不同的角度和比例拍攝,以360度全方位展示產(chǎn)品。

    • 突出產(chǎn)品特有的設(shè)計(jì)特點(diǎn)或材質(zhì)。

3. 有關(guān)演示視頻的其他創(chuàng)意技巧:

  • 使用高分辨率視頻,確保清晰地展示產(chǎn)品

    • 演示視頻的分辨率不得低于 480p(最好為 1080p 或以上),以便用戶能清晰地觀看視頻內(nèi)容。

  • 優(yōu)化燈光,便于用戶清晰地看到演示視頻中的產(chǎn)品。

    • 我們建議在間接自然光充足的空間中進(jìn)行拍攝。

    • 避免刺眼或直射的光線,尤其是從產(chǎn)品后面或前面直射的光線(會在產(chǎn)品周圍形成暗色輪廓)。

  • 使用明快的色彩,讓視頻搶眼且有趣

  • 確保視頻展示的品牌形象和基調(diào)與產(chǎn)品詳情頁上的其他內(nèi)容(例如描述、標(biāo)題、圖片等)保持一致。

  • 避免在演示視頻中添加文字、圖案疊加或動畫效果 - 這樣會讓視頻顯得擁擠,且可能會對用戶造成困擾。

4. 各類別產(chǎn)品的視頻策略示例:


  • 家居和生活:最佳的家居和生活用品視頻應(yīng)展示產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量和工藝或使用方法??梢钥紤]展示產(chǎn)品的尺寸和材質(zhì)。

  • 美容洗護(hù):展示產(chǎn)品在使用時的效果。

  • 珠寶和配飾:在模特身上展示這些產(chǎn)品可以讓用戶看到產(chǎn)品的動態(tài)效果、尺寸和細(xì)節(jié)。對于帶有內(nèi)飾的產(chǎn)品(例如包和錢包),可以考慮展示內(nèi)飾和任何特殊的功能(例如口袋或特殊細(xì)節(jié))。還可以利用填充物來展示包的儲物量。

  • 服裝和鞋子:在模特身上展示這些產(chǎn)品可以幫助用戶了解產(chǎn)品的穿戴效果和動態(tài)效果。可以利用特寫鏡頭展示材質(zhì)細(xì)節(jié)、紋理和質(zhì)量。

  • 婚禮和派對:突出細(xì)節(jié)和工藝是婚禮和派對用品的關(guān)鍵。利用生活化的視頻/照片也會大有幫助,因?yàn)檫@樣可以展示產(chǎn)品在實(shí)際生活中的生動畫面。

  • 手工材料:利用放大和特寫角度突出細(xì)節(jié)、材質(zhì)和紋理。還可以展示這些產(chǎn)品的使用狀態(tài),例如,如果您銷售毛線,可以考慮展示使用毛線編織物品的場景。

  • 藝術(shù)和收藏品:擺拍的生活場景照片可以更好地展示產(chǎn)品尺寸。

  • 玩具和游戲:重點(diǎn)展示這款游戲有趣且特別的地方??梢哉故菊谕孢@款玩具或游戲的場景,也可以考慮展示其中包含的零件。

5. 演示視頻內(nèi)容政策:

最后值得一提的是,為了確保商戶提供的所有內(nèi)容均符合商戶政策和 Wish 服務(wù)條款,演示視頻必須符合相關(guān)內(nèi)容政策。請參閱這篇文章了解更多信息。

我的視頻將在哪里展示給 Wish 用戶?

自太平洋時間2021年3月29日開始,經(jīng) Wish 審核并批準(zhǔn)的演示視頻將在 Wish 安卓應(yīng)用和 Wish iOS 應(yīng)用上展示給全球用戶(太平洋時間2021年3月29日當(dāng)天僅向部分 iOS 應(yīng)用用戶展示,在之后幾天內(nèi)將覆蓋所有用戶)。當(dāng)用戶點(diǎn)擊產(chǎn)品后,產(chǎn)品的“Details”(詳情)頁將自動播放視頻。


Uploading a demo video for your products

To help merchants best demonstrate and tell the story of their products to interested customers around the globe, Wish’s demo video feature allows you to upload a brief video that highlights the functionality, use cases, and benefits of a product that you are selling. This article walks you through how to upload a demo video, some of the best practices of creating a demo video that has the best chance of attracting your customers, and how your videos will be shown to customers. Starting March 29, 2021 Pacific Time, your demo videos will be shown to global customers on the product Details page in the Wish Android app and Wish iOS app.

How to upload a demo video for your products on

You may upload demo videos for your products manually on Merchant Dashboard, via API, CSV, or in several ERPs.

1. To manually upload on Merchant Dashboard, first navigate to Products > Demo Videos page:

Next, you will enter a page where you can add demo videos for a list of your active products:

Please be sure to switch to the "Best Practices" tab and read through the information before you upload a demo video. This tab contains a great amount of guidance on what is considered a high-quality demo video that has the best chance of increasing your products’ appeal in front of your customers; be sure to take advantage of the information it provides:

Back to the "Upload Videos" tab, once you select a product to which you’d like to add a demo video, click “Add Demo Video” to proceed to a popup modal, shown below:

In this popup modal, you may either upload a video file or link to a video URL. You can crop your video to the 9:16 vertical ratio directly in the modal here too, if your original video is not of this size:

In addition, if you add a video URL, you may preview the video in this modal directly:

Please focus on bringing the product to life via your video! Note the following details:

  • Your demo-style video should be 30 seconds or less. Long commercial-style video generally does not do a good job highlighting the features, use cases, and benefits that your products can bring to your customers. As such, if you upload a video longer than 30 seconds, you will receive an error message in this modal, and will not be able to proceed further.

  • Only upload videos that are smaller than 50 MB in size. You will receive an error message if the video you upload is 50 MB or above.

  • Only upload videos with a resolution of 480p or higher to clearly showcase your products. Low-resolution videos under 480p will be rejected automatically. Ideal resolution is 1080p or above.

  • Do not include embedded text, graphic overlays, or animated effects in your demo video either. Learn more about some of the best practices of demo video below.

Note that you can also take your product demo video directly on your smartphone. To learn more, please visit this article.

Lastly, please note that you may only add one video to one product. The final demo video shown to customers will be soundless and play on a continuous loop. So don’t worry about removing audio from your video before you upload it here.

Once you complete the video upload, please click “Save” to proceed.

Then you will be redirected to the main Demo Videos page, where you may update your existing demo video or add a new one for another product.

2. To upload a demo video via API, please see the information below:

When creating a new product listing, you are able to add a Demo Video by specifying a demo_video_asset_url field in our /api/v2/product/add endpoint. In this field, please provide a url where a demo video of your product can be downloaded. Please note that links to hosting services like Youtube, Amazon.com, Ebay, Etsy are not valid.

To add a demo video to an existing product listing, please specify a demo_video_asset_url field in our /api/v2/product/update endpoint. In this field, please provide a URL where a demo video of your product can be downloaded. Please note that links to hosting services like Youtube, Amazon.com, Ebay, Etsy are not valid.

Please visit this API documentation to learn more.

3. You may also upload demo videos for multiple products at once via CSV.

Please first create a CSV file for your product feed and add a column titled “Demo Video Asset URL” to fill in the corresponding URL where a demo video of your product can be downloaded. Please note that links to hosting services like YouTube, Amazon.com, eBay, Etsy are not valid URLs to input here.

You may find an Example CSV with the “Demo Video Asset URL” column added and filled in on the Products > Add New Products > Product CSV File page or the Products > Edit Existing Products > Product CSV File page:

Once you finalize your product upload or product update CSV file with newly-added demo video URLs, you may upload it via the Products > Add New Products > Product CSV File page or the Products > Edit Existing Products > Product CSV File page, per normal CSV upload process. You may learn more about how to upload a CSV file to add or update products in this and this article.

4. To upload a demo video via ERP, please see the information below:

Currently, a number of ERPs mainly used by merchants based in Mainland China (Dianxiaomi, Tongtool, etc.) have completed integration with Wish to support merchants in uploading demo videos directly in ERPs.

For the operational process within the ERP dashboard to upload demo videos,  you may contact your ERPs directly.


Demo video statuses and reasons for rejection

After you upload your demo videos, the Demo Videos page on Merchant Dashboard will show you the status of each video you upload, along with reasons the video is rejected by Wish.

Specifically, your demo video may show the following Status:

  • Pending review: the video is being reviewed by Wish

  • Processing: Wish is currently preparing this video for display on Wish Android app and iOS app (starting March 29, 2021 PT)

  • Active: the video is playing live on Wish Android app and Wish iOS app (starting March 29, 2021 PT)

  • Rejected: the video has been rejected

You may also filter your demo videos by their current status:

If your video shows "Rejected" status, this page also surfaces to you the Reason for rejection for your information. Specifically, your video may be rejected for the following reasons:

  • Video quality is low

  • Video is not related to the product listing

  • Rotation/orientation is incorrect (e.g., upside down)

  • Video refers customers off of Wish

  • Video shows a person talking and relies on sound/audio

  • Video shows factory scenes instead of the product itself in use

  • Video too short (less than 5 seconds)

  • Video too long (more than 30 seconds)

  • Contains hateful symbols

  • Contains obscene and/or graphic content

  • Contains nudity

  • Contains non-English text

  • Video is blurry (low-resolution or not enough lighting)

  • Video infringes on others' Intellectual Property rights

You may click "View details" as shown in the screenshot above to learn more details about the specific reason for rejection in the popup modal that follows.


Best practices of demo videos and examples

Now you know how to upload a demo video to your product listings on Wish, let’s look at some best practices of demo videos that can bring more customer interest to your products and really bring your products to life.

1. Product categories that can benefit the most from a demo video

Based on our research, a demo video will be the most beneficial to highlighting the stories, features, and uses cases of the following product categories:

  • Fashion

  • Shoes

  • Accessories: wallets, bags, jewelry, watches, etc.

  • Make-up and beauty products

  • Home goods: decor, supplies, baking equipment, etc.

  • Novel gadgets

  • Phone gadgets and upgrades

  • Children’s toys

  • Workout equipment

  • Pet toys and accessories

A demo video will unpack these products for your customers and help them truly visualize what it would be like for them to use and benefit from your products in their daily lives.

2. Common themes to include in your demo video to make it stand out

The themes and strategies of your demo video make a difference! Take the following approaches to make your video stand out:

  • Tell a story of your product via the demo video

    • A Demo video is essentially another channel for you to tell your brand and product stories, in addition to product images, title, description, and more.

    • As such, consider your demo video as a way to further showcase your product in use (with its details, functions, and use cases highlighted) to help customers envision using it themselves.

    • Your demo video is also a way for you to highlight your brand values, quality, and promises to your customers, along with any creative details of your product that your customers will love.

  • Keep the video short and sweet

    • Do not upload a demo video that’s longer than 30 second - keep things short and sweet to best attract your customers’ immediate attention.

  • Make it human!

    • Your goal is to make the video content feel relatable and trustworthy to your customers

    • Include emotionally compelling elements - highlight joy, fulfillment, charm, humor, wonder, and more in your demo video to delight and inspire your customers

  • Use your videos to address commonly asked questions

    • Elaborate and expand on your product description, titles, or even images via a demo video to overcome language barriers in the written description of your products and make your products truly global.

    • Showcase the product in various angles and scales to provide a 360 view of it.

    • Highlight unique design features or materials of your products as well.

3. Other creative tips for your demo video:

  • Use high-resolution videos so your products are clearly demonstrated

    • Demo videos must have a minimum resolution of 480p, ideally 1080p or above so that your customers can clearly see the videos.

  • Optimize lighting so your customers can clearly see the products in the demo videos.

    • We recommend filming in a space that has plenty of indirect natural light.

    • Avoid harsh or direct light, particularly from behind or in front of the product, as this will create a silhouette.

  • Use vibrant colors and make your video stand out and fun

  • Be sure that your video showcases a consistent brand voice and tone with the rest of your product listings, such as description, title, images, and more.

  • Avoid text and graphic overlay or animation effects in your demo video - they can crowd the video and potentially confuse your customers.

4. Sample demo video strategies per product category:

Combining the three best practices above, here we share a few sample strategies for particular product categories:

  • Home and Living: Home and living product videos are most successful when they showcase the quality and craftsmanship of the item, or show how it works. Consider showing the scale and materials.

  • Bath and Beauty: Show the item in use.

  • Jewelry and Accessories: Showing the item on a model can help customers see movement, scale and details of the item. For products with an interior, like bags and purses, consider including the interior and showcase and special features like pockets or special details. You can also see props to show the storage capacity of a bag.

  • Clothing and Shoes: Videos of these products on a model can help customers understand how a product hangs and moves. Use close up shots to show material details, textures, and quality.

  • Wedding and Party: Highlighting the details and craftsmanship are key for wedding and party products. Using lifestyle videos/photos can also be helpful, as they show how a product can come to life in a real-life setting.

  • Craft Supplies: Zoom in and provide an up-close angle that highlights details, materials, and textures. You can also show these items in use, for example, if you are selling yarn, consider showing it in use with a knitting project.

  • Art and Collectibles: Using a staged lifestyle image can help show the scale.

  • Toys and Games: Focus on showing what makes this game fun and unique. You can show it in use, and also consider showing the pieces that are included.

5. Demo video content policy:

Last but not least, to ensure that all contents provided by merchants adhere to the Merchant Policies and Wish’s Terms of Services, we ask that demo videos be compliant with a series of content policies. Please visit this article for more information.

Where will my videos be shown to Wish customers?

Starting March 29, 2021 Pacific Time, your demo videos reviewed and approved by Wish will be shown in the Wish Android app and Wish iOS app to customers around the globe (starting with select iOS app users, with full rollout occurring over the course of a few days after March 29, 2021 Pacific Time). When customers click on the product, the video will then automatically play on the Details page (see screenshots below).  

We hope you make the most out of our Demo Video feature to make your products come to life! Please provide any feedback to your Account Manager about this feature as well.


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