電報公司于2019年10月宣布,自2020年1月1日起,所有從巴西境外運往當地的包裹均需提供進口商稅號。針對這項新要求,Wish 正采取措施幫助商戶遵守相關規(guī)定并順利妥投巴西路向的訂單。
具體而言, 一直在積極收集在 Wish 平臺上下單的巴西用戶的 CPF 信息(即巴西個人稅號)。CPF 是 Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas(葡萄牙語為“自然人注冊”)的縮寫,是巴西聯(lián)邦稅務局發(fā)放給巴西籍居民和外籍居民的巴西個人納稅人注冊識別號,擁有 CPF 號碼的個人需為納稅人,或直接/間接參與需繳納巴西多類稅收的生成收益的活動中。自2020年1月1日起,電報公司要求進入巴西并通過的所有包裹提供此信息。
本常見問題解答將詳細介紹 Wish 如何幫助商戶獲得 CPF 信息并遵守此項新要求。
對于從中國大陸發(fā)貨的巴西路向 A+ 物流計劃訂單,Wish 將在收集到用戶的 CPF 信息后,在訂單的配送標簽上提供此信息。
因此,中國大陸的商僅需按照正常程序履行所有巴西路向的 A+ 物流計劃訂單,無需就新要求采取其他操作。我們鼓勵商戶繼續(xù)為產品啟用巴西路向。
如需了解更多有關 A+ 物流計劃巴西路向訂單的信息,請參閱此篇常見問題解答。
對于巴西路向的非 A+ 物流計劃訂單,商戶平臺會為這些訂單添加“巴西訂單”標記,以幫助商戶輕松識別出需要向提供 CPF 的訂單。對于 UTC 時間2020年7月1日凌晨0時之后釋放的所有巴西路向訂單(不包括 A+ 物流計劃訂單),商戶平臺的訂單 > 未履行的訂單和訂單 > 歷史記錄頁面將顯示“巴西訂單”標記,注明配送這些訂單需要提供用戶的 CPF 信息。
How does Wish help merchants comply with new requirements from Brazilian Post and Telegraph Corporation (effective January 2020)?
In October 2019, Brazilian Post and Telegraph Corporation announced that it will begin requiring importer tax IDs for all Brazil-bound parcels originated outside of Brazil, starting January 1, 2020. In response to this new requirement, Wish is taking actions to help merchants comply and deliver Brazil-bound orders smoothly.
In particular, has been actively collecting CPF information (i.e, individual taxpayer ID in Brazil) of Brazilian customers placing orders on Wish. CPF, short for Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (Portuguese for "Natural Persons Register"), is the Brazilian individual taxpayer registry identification, a number attributed by the Brazilian Federal Revenue to both Brazilians and resident aliens who pay taxes or take part, directly or indirectly, in activities that provide revenue for any of the dozens of different types of taxes existing in Brazil. This is the information that Brazilian Post and Telegraph Corporation will begin to require on each package entering Brazil and passing through Brazilian customs, effective January 1, 2020.
This FAQ walks merchants through how Wish helps merchants obtain this CPF information and comply with the new requirement.
For Brazil-bound orders originated from Mainland China
Upon collection of customer CPF information, Wish will include this information on the shipping labels of all Mainland China-originating, Brazil-bound orders as part of the Advanced Logistics Program.
Therefore, no additional actions are required from merchants based in Mainland China to comply with the new requirement, other than fulfillment all Brazil-bound Advanced Logistics Program orders per normal procedures. We encourage merchants to continue enabling Brazil as a destination country.
To learn more about Advanced Logistics Program for Brazil-bound orders, please visit this FAQ article.
For Brazil-bound orders that are not part of the Advanced Logistics Program, a “Brazil Order” flag will be added in the Merchant Dashboard to help merchants more easily identify the orders where CPF needs to be provided to shipping carriers. For all Brazil-bound orders released after July 1, 2020 12:00AM UTC (excluding Advanced Logistics Program orders), the Merchant Dashboard Orders > Unfulfilled Orders page and Merchant Dashboard Orders > History page will show a flag that states “Brazil Order” to indicate that customer CPF information is required for shipping these orders.