提示 1:為訂單量突然上升做準備。
秋季教科書銷售季從 7 月中旬開始,一直持續(xù)到 10 月中旬。教科書銷售旺季一般是勞動節(jié)的前一周。
春季教科書銷售季從 12 月中旬開始,一直持續(xù)到 2 月初。教科書一般是 1 月的前兩周。
提示 2:確保您的教科書已列于正確的 ISBN 下,并具有準確的狀況描述。
學生將按 ISBN 搜索教科書。通過每本書上的 ISBN 找到正確的頁面。
請閱讀關于 銷售教科書的政策。
提示 3:允許采用多種配送方式。
學生想要盡快獲得圖書,從而會選擇提供加急配送服務的商品。去年返校季期間,超過 25% 的教科書買家要求加急配送。
提示 4:2 個工作日內發(fā)貨。
請勿上架您無法立即發(fā)貨的教科書。所有已售教科書必須在 2 個工作日內發(fā)貨。延遲發(fā)貨通常最終會影響您的績效評估。
如果您或為訂單退款,請立即執(zhí)行。 如果您采用“發(fā)貨時收費”,則可以取消未發(fā)貨的訂單。了解 如何取消訂單。
提示 5:向買家提供“發(fā)貨確認”。
學生正在急切地等待他們所購買的教科書。 通過“管理訂單”盡快確認發(fā)貨。亞馬遜將向買家發(fā)送發(fā)貨確認。在我們的 確認發(fā)貨和 管理訂單幫助頁面上了解更多信息。
提示 6:為退貨量增加做準備。
學生常常因為課程取消而需要為教科書退貨。所有 Amazon.com 賣家必須接受退貨,即使訂單已正確配送。
提示 7:考慮使用亞馬遜物流 (FBA)
無論是在 Amazon.com 還是您自己網(wǎng)站上銷售的商品,均從我們的運營中心為您配送訂單。
Amazon.com 上的物流商品有資格獲得亞馬遜金牌服務以及總價 $35 或以上的合格商品訂單服務(暗示:買家青睞和亞馬遜金牌服務)。
購物者可以在 Amazon.com 商品的詳情頁面上查看一日配送服務的最新倒計時時間。
亞馬遜為在 Amazon.com 上銷售的亞馬遜物流商品提供國際級別的客戶服務。
了解有關 的更多信息。
Textbook Season Best Practices
Textbook season can be one of the busiest and most profitable times of the year for sellers. To help you get the most out of it, we've compiled a list of the business practices of our top textbook sellers.
Tip 1: Be prepared for a sudden increase in orders.
Keep on top of orders by checking your Seller Account daily. This will help you ship items on time, even if you miss our "Sold, ship now" e-mail notification.
Fall textbook season begins in mid-July and goes through mid-October. Peak textbook sales are generally the week before Labor Day.
Spring textbook season begins mid-December and goes through early February. Peak textbook sales are generally the first two weeks of January.
If you sell through multiple sales channels, avoid disappointing customers by updating your inventory daily.
Tip 2: Make sure your textbook is listed under the correct ISBN and the condition is described accurately.
Decrease returns by making sure the buyer gets exactly the product described on the detail page where you place your listing.
Students will search for textbooks by ISBN. Use the ISBN on each book to match to the correct page.
Check the details on the page to avoid listing your book against a page for a different version or edition.
When listing your book, pick the appropriate condition and add accurate condition notes about marks and highlighting.
Do not list solutions manuals or teacher's editions. These items are prohibited.
Read our policies about Selling Textbooks.
Tip 3: Allow for multiple shipping options.
Students need their books ASAP and will pick listings that offer expedited shipping. During back-to-school season last year, over 25% of textbook buyers requested expedited shipping.
If a buyer selects expedited shipping, be sure to honor it. Check the shipping speed requested for each order.
Tip 4: Ship within 2 business days.
Do not list textbooks that you do not have available for immediate shipping. All textbook sales must ship within 2 business days. Delayed shipments usually end up affecting your performance ratings.
If you must cancel or refund an order, do so promptly. When you use Charge When Ship, you can cancel unshipped orders. Learn How to Cancel an Order.
Tip 5: Provide Shipment Confirmation to buyers.
Students are anxiously awaiting their textbooks. Confirm your shipment through Manage Orders as soon as possible. Amazon will send a shipping confirmation to the buyer. Learn more at our Confirm Shipments and Manage Orders Help pages.
You may want to consider purchasing delivery confirmation or using a trackable shipping method; however, if you choose to use these options, we encourage you to set the price of the item with the cost of these services in mind. You may not invoice buyers for additional service fees.
Tip 6: Be prepared for increased returns.
Students often need to return textbooks due to class cancellations. All Amazon.com sellers must accept returns even if the order is fulfilled correctly.
Impress buyers by helping to expedite returns. Consider including a return address and instructions inside your package in addition to the return address on the package itself.
Request that the buyer pack the item and return it to you. In cases where the seller is not responsible for the return, return shipping costs should be paid by the buyer. Upon receipt, immediately issue the appropriate refund.
Tip 7: Consider using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).
Amazon fulfills orders for you from our fulfillment centers, whether sold on Amazon.com or your own website.
FBA listings on Amazon.com are eligible for Amazon Prime and for free shipping on orders with eligible items that total $35 or more (Hint: Buyers love free shipping and Amazon Prime).
Shoppers can view an up-to-the-minute countdown for One-Day Shipping on product detail pages for listings on Amazon.com.
Amazon offers world-class customer service for your listings sold on Amazon.com.
Learn more about Fulfillment by Amazon.
In addition to using these tips and best practices, we encourage you take advantage of the wealth of information available in our Help pages for sellers.