收取的兌換費(每次兌換收取 0.60 美元)
讓我們通過一個示例來看看預算的運作方式:假設您為價值 25.00 美元的商品提供 4.00 美元的優(yōu)惠券。推出優(yōu)惠券的第一天,有 50 名買家兌換了優(yōu)惠券(在領取優(yōu)優(yōu)惠券后購買了符合條件的商品)。您在這些交易中的成本計算如下:
(您提供的折扣的同等金額 [單位:美元] * 兌換次數)+(兌換費 * 兌換次數)
(4.00 美元 * 50)+(0.60 美元 * 50)= 200 美元 + 30 美元 = 230 美元
根據買家對您的優(yōu)惠券的兌換情況,您的預算在第二天將會減少 230 美元。當預算使用率達到 80% 時,我們會將您的優(yōu)惠券下線。
有效預算包括您的優(yōu)惠券在設定的期限內生成的買家需求成本。例如,如果某種商品在沒有優(yōu)惠券的情況下每天平均售出 20 件,而您想要為該商品設置 5 美元折扣的優(yōu)惠券,為期 10 天,則您應設置的最低預算為:(天數 x 日均商品銷量)x(折扣金額 + 兌換費)。在本示例中為 (10 x 20) x (5.60)。您的最低預算應為 1,120 美元。
避免為折扣 80% 或 35 美元等高折扣優(yōu)惠券創(chuàng)建低預算(低于 500 美元)。為高折扣創(chuàng)建低預算將會造成您的預算在幾小時內迅速到期,從而導致只有少數買家能夠看到并領取您的優(yōu)惠券。
當預算使用率達到 80% 時,我們會將您的優(yōu)惠券下線,然后分配剩余的 20% 應對已經領取優(yōu)惠券的買家的兌換。為使買家獲得最佳的優(yōu)惠券體驗,我們允許他們在禁用優(yōu)惠券發(fā)現(xiàn)功能后約 30 分鐘內兌換優(yōu)惠券。如果您預算的 20% 低于買家在這 30 分鐘內的兌換金額,您可能會看到支出超過預算。如果預算金額較高,支出超過預算的風險會降低。對于 $10,000 以下的預算,支出超過預算的金額可能高達預算的 15%(或更多)。
How do coupon budgets work?
The budget you set for your coupon will be shared among the following costs:
USD equivalent of the discount you are offering to customers.
Redemption fees ($0.60 for every redemption) charged by Amazon.
Example: you are offering a $4.00 coupon on a $25.00 product. The first day your coupon becomes active, 50 customers redeem the coupon (buy a coupon-eligible product after clipping the coupon). Your cost regarding these transactions will be calculated as follows:
(USD equivalent of the discount you are offering x number of redemptions) + (redemption fees x number of redemptions)
($4.00 x 50) + ($0.60 x 50) = $200 + $30 = $230
Your budget will be depleted by $230 the following day as a result of this customer interest in your coupon. We will take your coupon offline once your budget is 80% utilized
How to set up efficient budgets
An efficient budget covers the cost of the customer demand that your coupon generates, for the duration that you set. For example, if a product is selling an average of 20 units per day without a coupon, and you want to run a $5 off coupon for 10 days for this product, the minimum budget you set should be: (number of days x number of average daily units) x (discount amount + redemption fee). In this example (10 x 20) x (5.60). $1,120 should be your minimum budget.
Avoid creating low budgets (less than $500) for deep discount coupons such as 80% off or $35 off. Low budgets for high discounts will cause your budget to expire rapidly in a couple of hours. As a result, only a handful of customers will be able to see and interact with your coupon.
Why is my spend higher than my budget?
We take your coupon offline when the budget is 80% utilized, and we allocate the remaining 20% to cover for possible redemptions from customers who have already clipped the coupon. For customers to have the best experience with coupons, we allow them to redeem coupons for a window of approximately 30 minutes after we disable the discovery of a coupon.
If 20% of your budget doesn't cover the customer redemptions in this 30 minute window, you might see your spend exceed your budget. The risk of your spend overshooting your budget decreases for higher budget amounts. For budgets under $10,000, you might expect a spend overshoot up to 15% (or more) of your budget.